Last month the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a range of new value-based payment model options. Among them is Primary Care First (PCF), which is based in large part on the capabilities developed through the Comprehensive Primary Care Plus model.

CMS’s Primary Care First program goals are to provide payments to practices that incentivize patient-centered care that reduces acute care utilization, while promoting comprehensive care, access, continuity of care, care management and population health practices. There is a model for primary care practices serving the general Medicare population, plus an additional model aimed at practices that treat seriously ill populations.

Primary Care First is designed as a risk-sharing agreement with CMS to care for the Medicare population, with the associated benefits for practices that are advanced in population health management. We strongly encourage primary care practices to learn more about the model on the CMS website, and to check back frequently with HealthTeamWorks as more information becomes available.

The first round of applications for Primary Care First is expected to open this spring. Reach out to your HealthTeamWorks contact with any questions or contact us at