The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) is an iterative problem-solving model to aid in process improvement activities. This model uses the steps to evaluate a solution and gain "valuable learning and knowledge for the continual improvement of a product or process," Deming Institute

The PDSA process is used to help teams implement a series of small tests of change following the development of an AIM Statement;

Materials Needed

How do I do it?

Remember: The PDSA is an iterative process

Example: Based on the example above, the team determines from data analysis, that providers and nurses are unavailable most of the time due to 2 reasons: 1) Too many interruptions from Pharmacy representatives, and 2) Attendance at mandatory meetings. 

The team would begin a new PDSA cycle with the aim to improve wait times by minimizing or removing the interruptions stated above.

The cycle would continue until goals are met


PDSA Cycle
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