

Follow our series highlighting the celebrations and struggles of a small, independent primary care clinic, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Follow along with the Practice Administrator as she shares good news, top priorities and needs!

Status on April 28, 2020

My challenge writing this blog parallels my everyday challenge. By the time I get something done, things have changed so much, I need to re-do it, or it no longer seems relevant. Since my first post we needed to furlough all staff to a 3-day work week. We delayed this change as long as possible and hope it will not last for long.

Good News (Accomplishments) 
We avoided a permanent re-organization and staff layoff. Our team understands the necessary actions and are committed to working through this rough spot and “getting back to normal”! No one has resigned.

Team Care (Self-Care/Support)
At this point, we cannot over communicate with our team. Frequent, transparent, direct communication is our best practice of self-care. We continue to have daily huddles to help the day run smoothly and provide focus and accountability for our short-term goals. 

Additionally, I round with each employee individually on days they are scheduled to work. This check in provides private time to ensure team members feel individually supported, have another opportunity to ask any questions or make suggestions. These individual meetings also provide transparent progress updates on returning to the regular schedule. I feel it’s important that I initiate this outreach, it  demonstrates caring, shared problem solving and accountability. 

Top Priority
We continue to pursue different opportunities for financial support. Unfortunately, the PPP loan, ran out of funds prior to us receiving the loan. The best we can do is be prepared in case the Small Business Administration (SBA) releases more funds.

Last week we initiated the process to receive the Medicare Accelerated and Advanced paymentsAgain, things change rapidly, with the passage of the “CARES Act 3.5” as April 26, they are no longer accepting applications for this option. Here is the latest link

What we need to do  
First, is to outline our plan to re-engage with our patients as we slowly move to implement our “Safer at Home Colorado” plan. Second, determine the role of telemedicine in our practice. We need to evaluate our current process and strategize our next steps; what do we keep, expand and how do we sustain theses services.

Stay tuned for our next update!


Blog Series:

Week 1:
Week 2 and 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6: