
A primary care network’s success is dependent on building strong relationships and trust among its stakeholders. The way organisations engage and co-design integrated services from the beginning plays a critical part in its overall success – setting the foundations for culture change, empowering colleagues, listening and working in partnerships with patients and ultimately leading to better outcomes. We offer workshops and coaching on:

 • Building collaboration, vision and priority setting – including facilitating conversations with partners and leaders across the health system

 • Developing collaborative leadership (further information under Workforce, training, education, culture and planning)

• Innovative approaches to community engagement – enabling networks to take the first step in creating health empowerment through effective engagement

 • PCN communications and engagement strategy – using our PCH engagement tool and toolkit

Beyond Primary Care Round Table 2019

There is a real appetite from the acute, community and mental health trust leaders in London to proactively and productively engage with the development of Primary Care Networks. There are barriers to making this a reality including a lack of bandwidth in Primary Care, the number of PCNs, Trusts are engaging with and historic lack of relationships. However, the group identified that there were some positive steps that could be taken to work together by focusing on population health and that they would be keen to do this in collaboration with NAPC and the Leadership Academy.

Primary care home: Engagement template

This is a template and step by step guide for how to strategically engage with stakeholders when setting up a primary care home.

A primary care home’s success is dependent on building strong relationships and trust among its stakeholders.


There is a real appetite from the acute, community and mental health trust leaders in London to proactively and productively engage with the development of Primary Care Networks.


This one-page model can be used for stakeholder analysis.


This is a completed example of a proximity model for stakeholder analysis.


This case study showcases good practice in the areas of engagement and population health.

Case Study
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